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Set Journal number accordingly to the previously generated number

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Dear Member,
It would be greatly appreciated if you could guide me to attain a solution to the issue that I am currently facing. Consider that I am posting an entry in the General Journal (or any journal). In order to create an entry, I select the /New/ button, and a new journal with the journal number (for eg. GJ-0002) gets created. Due to some reasons, I am deleting the journal and creating a new one. Now a new journal entry with the journal number (GJ-0003) gets created. Also, sometimes when pressing the down arrow to navigate to the previously created journals, the journal number for the newly created journal is automatically incremented.
I require that, If I am creating an entry, the entry number should follow the number sequence in order (i.e. After GJ-0001, GJ-0002, GJ-0003..). But in my case, if I delete the journal and create a new one, the journal number for the deleted journal is skipped and the number next to the deleted journal number is assigned.
Is there any way to resolve it? If so, please help me to resolve the current issue that I am facing.
Thanks in advance,
  • Suggested answer
    Sukrut Parab Profile Picture
    Sukrut Parab 71,671 Moderator on at
    Set Journal number accordingly to the previously generated number
    What you are trying to achieve can be achieved using continuous number sequences however numbers which are lost will be re used later once you recover those using clean up process. Not necessary your next record is going to get immediate number which was lost.
    There is performance improvement done   in 10.0.34 if you set number sequence as continuous with pre allocation logic if you are setting up number sequence as continuous. Look for feature "Enable Continuous number sequence performance improvement". 
     Also read about continuous and noncontinuous number sequences on below link to understand how OOB feature works. 
  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,176 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Set Journal number accordingly to the previously generated number
    You need to setup the number sequnce as continious.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,488 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Set Journal number accordingly to the previously generated number
    Avoid continuous number sequence whenever you can. They're bad for performance and can cause other problems as well.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Set Journal number accordingly to the previously generated number
    I went to the test environment to test it, and the problem you mentioned does exist. You can check this blog: which mentions the manual cleanup function, as it is mentioned in the article: also when you have the “Continuous” flag checked the “Cleanup” functionality is used to find any unused number and return it to the list of usable number sequence values. This can happen in cases where you may have an on-premises deployment and you have an unscheduled power outage or infrastructure failure. But unfortunately this does not work for me. I can only make the deleted number re-used by manually modifying the next number.
    Best regards,
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,488 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Set Journal number accordingly to the previously generated number
    My recommendation is not to worry about it. What problem do you see with it?

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