We have several inventory general ledger (G/L) accounts that we add up and then compare to the subledger (S/L) - some months they are extremely close to being equal but other months they are out by a large amount and we have to manually do an entry to make the subledger match the general ledger.
Example- Started with G/L and S/L both at $10,500. G/L accounts at end month SUM to $10,000 but S/L only equates to $9,500.
Has anyone seen this before and know of any potential reasons I can investigate? Thank you,
Subledger to General Ledger Reconciliation (Inventory)
Users may post manual transactions directly to GL.
-We have this set to do not allow for all inventory GL accounts.
Another reason can be to select to run reval or closure without to post to GL as a parameter
-We currently use two cost methods - moving average (no close required) and standard cost (likely requires a close? - but are not currently doing anything) - do you know if standard costing requires a closure each month and what the impacts of doing so would be?
Another reason may be the change of the GL account on posting profiles.
-No changes made recently to the GL account on posting profiles.
Another one can be the item model groups to be selected not to post to GL.
-We have some service items but they do not post to the GL.
Subledger to General Ledger Reconciliation (Inventory)
Users may post manual transactions directly to GL.
Another reason can be to select to run reval or closure without to post to GL as a parameter
Another reason may be the change of the GL account on posting profiles.
Another one can be the item model groups to be selected not to post to GL.
These are the first that comes to my mind.
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