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Intercompany Trade Setup in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations: Part-1

In this blog series I will try to explain complete intercompany trade setup and business scenarios using Microsoft dynamics 365 finance and operations. In this first part of this, I will explain about the basic setup. Now, lets understand this...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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[Credit Management] Use Customer Credit group for credit hold list using blocking rule in Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations: Part-5

In next part of credit management blog series, we will be talking about customer credit group along with one more blocking rule (Amount overdue). Customer credit group is used for shared credit limit by multiple customers within same legal...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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Grid Control/ Personalization feature utilization in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Hello and welcome to my next blog in which I am going to give overview about different personalization features added by Microsoft and how best we can utilize them. Prerequisites: Enable features from feature management workspace I will...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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Default Account Setup specific to Vendor in Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations

If there is any requirement where customer wants to default the offset account for every specific vendor or set of vendors than we can use this feature. You can specify the default accounts that automatically appear in vendor invoice journals ...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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Purchase Order Charges Accounting in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

In this blog, we will talk about purchase order charges, how these charges can be accounted in different scenarios. Many times, we are not sure how we can manage different scenarios and account the charge value. In this blog we will see different...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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Email documents using print management in Microsoft dynamics 365 finance and operations

Many times, we have requirement to auto trigger email for some documents like Purchase order confirmation, Sales order invoices, free text invoices etc…So to do this we can use print management functionality of Microsoft dynamics 365 fina...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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Workflow Assignment (Hierarchy based Approval) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations -Part:1

Workflow is a very key feature in Microsoft dynamics 365 finance and operations, and this is available for every module to perform different approvals based on certain rules. So, if you have worked on workflow then you would have seen different o...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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[Subscription billing] Pricing method for Recurring contract billing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations: Part-2

In this blog, I will try to explain about pricing method for recurring contract billing (You can visit Part-1 here). Pricing method helps us to define pricing on billing schedule base on different methods. We have four methods available as of now...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User
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8 Different Ways to Acquire Fixed asset in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

In this blog, I will try to explain 8 different ways to acquire fixed asset in Microsoft dynamics 365 finance and operations. Here is list of methods for acquisition: Purchase requisition > PO > PO Invoice > Fixed assetPO > PO I...

saurabh bharti 14,918 Super User