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CapEx Vs OpEx: Cloud Computing

Gartner defines cloud computing as a style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT-enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using Internet technologies. So, an on-demand delivery of compute power, storage, applications and other resou...

Josh Merit 4,427
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SharePoint Online Integration with Dynamics 365 for Operation (D365FO) Upload File / Create Folder

This blog will explain how to create files and folders on SharePoint Online programmatically, using AX7 code (Dynamics 365 for Operations). FILE CREATION: Library to use: Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.FileManagement To save file, SharePointD...

Josh Merit 4,427
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Is Microsoft Dynamics 365 a Cost Center or a Business Enabler?

The time has come for a new ERP system. You want to make the business case for Microsoft Dynamics 365. However, you know that the powers-that-be will be hard to convince. They see new technology as a cost center rather than a business enabler. M...

Josh Merit 4,427
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The Necessity of Digital Transformation

Successfully running a business has much to do with effectively managing risk, while also not missing out on important opportunities. No company wants to go all-in on the latest trend only to watch it be short-lived or unsustainable. A good examp...

Josh Merit 4,427
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Why Does Built-in Business Intelligence Matter?

The old saying “knowledge is power” has never been more true than in today’s business world. There is so much information out there, and so much knowledge you can derive from that data. But, what’s the best way to do it? Microsoft Dynamics 365 pro...

Josh Merit 4,427
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Top 7 Reasons to Make the Move to Dynamics 365 in 2018

It has been almost a year and a half from the general availability of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the first wave of early adopters have gone live on the software. For those companies who did not want to be the “guinea pigs” of Dynamics 365, 2018 is...

Josh Merit 4,427
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Lean Digital Transformation

Lean mindset companies define their work as driving value to customers. Yet many digital initiatives such as ERP implementations push work to people with business software dictating what to do and when to do it – restricting problem solving to th...

Josh Merit 4,427
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Render report to memory stream D365 (aka AX7)

Recently I was tasked with an upgrade of a functionality we have on AX2012 to Dynamics365, which includes running the report from the code and attaching it to the caller record. As you are probably aware of, this was very easy to accomplish in th...

Josh Merit 4,427
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Microsoft’s IoT Solution: A Primer

The Internet of Things has become a hot topic in the IT and business worlds. It promises numerous benefits, such as more efficient manufacturing and deeper insights into customers. Microsoft has capitalized on this latest technological developmen...

Josh Merit 4,427