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Expiration Date Tracking in Dynamics NAV

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Expiration Date Tracking in Dynamics NAV

Recently I’ve been working with customers who are asking about Expiration Date Tracking in Dynamics NAV.  I would like to share how to set this up and what steps need to be done to properly utilize this feature.

1. Item Card- Expiration Date formula

In this case, I am going to set this item with SN tracking; LOT tracking will also produce the same result.

2. Item Tracking Code Card- Strict Expiration Posting Field

Let’s see what the system does for you now.  I am going to purchase this item first so we have some inventories in the system.

Line>Item Tracking Lines

The following screen will display.  I am going to click Assign Serial No.

Now, system has created SN for my item. Notice the Expiration Date field is blank. That’s fine, just hit OK.

I am going to post this receipt.

Let’s check the item tracking table to see the expiration date.

You can open your Item Card, and find the table under Navigate tab.

You can see the item tracking entries table show the expiration date, which is a year from my document date.

This works for LOT tracking as well, and in the same manner.

Now when you are selling this item, the expiration date will show up on the Item Tracking Entries screen. The system will automatically assign the SN with the earliest expiration date by default on the sales document.

I hope this helps you understand how to understand and use Expiration Date Tracking in Dynamics NAV! If you have any questions about Microsoft Dynamics NAV, please feel free to connect with us.

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This post first appeared first on Encore Business Solutions.


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