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How to Set Up Email in Dynamics 365 Business Central

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How to Set Up Email in Dynamics 365 Business Central

This post explains how to set up email in Dynamics 365 Business Central (D365 BC) with a generic alias email. This will allow users to email documents from email accounts within D365 BC. Using a generic email address as an alias to users will allow emails sent from Dynamics 365 to appear to be from an individual user.

Set Up Email in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dynamics 365 Business Central allows you to use the built-in mail function to send documents such as sales orders and purchase invoices to vendors and customers. This saves the user time from downloading the documents, creating an email and then attaching them.

Using a Generic Alias Email

For each user to be able to use simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), a generic email account from Office 365 will be used as an alias account for each user to be able to send documents.

In D365 BC, search for “smtp mail setup” and fill in the information (this will only need to be done once):

SMTP Mail Setup in D365 Business Central

Alternatively, navigate to Actions and click ‘Apply Office 365 Server Settings’ to populate the fields.

The login credentials for the User ID and password should be for the generic email account. It is important to note that every user who accesses the page will see the same setup; thus, it only needs to be setup once, not by every user.

In Actions, the user can click ‘Test Email Setup’ to see if the generic email account receives an email.

SMTP Mail - Test Email Setup

After the test is successful, navigate to the Office 365 center. In the the user list, for each user set the generic email up as an alias in Office 365 so that each user can send emails (beside their regular email user). This will allow users who have the alias to send emails from their own email address within Dynamics 365 Business Central:

Office 365 in D365 Business Central

Now choose Active Users to start adding the generic email account to each user that wishes to send emails within D365 BC:

D365 Business Central - Active user - Mail settings

We can see in the screenshot below that there are no email aliases for users at the moment, but we will be adding them.

Navigate to Mailbox permissions and click ‘Edit’:

Adding Alias Generic Email - D365 Business Central

In the Send as row click ‘Edit’:

Edit mailbox permissions - D365 Business Central

Click ‘Add permissions’ and then search for the generic email to add:

Add send as permissions - D365 Business Central

Choose the generic email previously created:

Generic email created - D365 Business Central

To send an email confirmation within a document, like in a sales order below for example, the user can simply go to ‘Process’ then click ‘Email Confirmation’ to review the details before finalizing and sending:

D365 Business Central - Sales Order Email Confirmation D365 Business Central - Sales Order Email

Now each user designated within Office 365 can send emails from Dynamics 365 Business Central, with the email appearing to come from the individual user.

Note that although the email shows that it is from the individual user, it does not appear in the user’s outbox. To keep a record of the email I’ve had some customers set up an Outlook rule to BCC themselves, so they have a copy and record of the sent email.

If you have any questions about setting up email in Dynamics 365 Business Central, please contact us!

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This post first appeared first on Encore Business Solutions.


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