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Managing Posting Dates for Partially Shipped Sales Orders

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 7,072 Super User 2024 Season 2

Managing Posting Dates for Partially Shipped Sales Orders in Business Central
When handling sales orders in Business Central, paying close attention to posting dates is crucial, especially for partially shipped orders. Mismanagement of these dates can lead to inaccuracies in financial records and inventory management. Here’s what you need to know to ensure your posting dates are accurate.
The Challenge with Partially Shipped Sales Orders
When a sales order is partially shipped, Business Central uses the workday as the default posting date for the first shipment if the default posting date is set up as workday on the Sales & Receivable setup page. However, if subsequent shipments occur on different days, the posting date does not automatically update to reflect the actual shipment dates. This can result in discrepancies if not managed correctly.
Manual Update Required: Users need to manually update the posting date for each subsequent shipment to ensure it reflects the actual shipment date.

Accurate posting dates are essential for maintaining the integrity of your financial and inventory records in Business Central. By being vigilant about manually updating the posting dates for partially shipped sales orders, you can avoid discrepancies and ensure your data accurately reflects your business activities.


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