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Call Center Price Override Functionality with Manager Approval Workflow for Dynamics 365

In AX2012 R3, the manager override was done in “realtime” and when changing the price, you received a pop up window to enter your Reason code and Override login.  In Dynamics 365, manager override can no longer be done in “realtime” and this functionality uses workflow to put the order on hold and as a second step the manager reviews and approves the workflow and the hold is released for the price change.  You will no longer receive a pop up window to prompt for the reason code and login.  The reason code is manually added to the sales order line and the manager login was replaced with Workflow approval process.

There is a security roll setup required to allow a user to override the price and the percent that the user can override.  When the price override is over that percent, the manager approval is then triggered (with workflow), and the sales order would be put on hold for approval.

The steps for setting up Call Center Price Override with Manager Approval are as follows:

Step 1- A Retail Sales Line workflow should be created for the action - approve sales order price override. The creation of the workflow can be found on

under Design and Configure workflows for Microsoft Dynamics AX


My Workflow is a very basic workflow.

(Retail and Commerce > Headquarters setup > Commerce workflows)


Select Retail sales line workflow in the Create workflow


Download the Workflow framework and sign in


Drag Approve sales order override into the workflow

Drag line from “Start” to “Approve sales order price override”

Drag line from “Approve sales order price override” to “End”


Double-click on “Approve sales order price override”

Define submission instructions for the workflow


Select Assignment Type


Add User


Update Work item subject and instructions


Click Level up

Save and close


Click Activate the workflow


You should see the new Retail sales line workflow in the Commerce workflows form


Step 2 - Ensure override permissions for item costs for Retail Merchandising manager under call center setup. Enable order price control on call center and enable price override hold code on call center parameters. 

 Override permissions for item costs for Retail Merchandising manager. The user can override a price up to the Cost markup percentage.  Once the price goes over that percentage, the manager override is triggered with the workflow and the sales order goes on hold until the Manager approves and releases the hold and then processes the workflow.

(Retail and Commerce > Channel setup > Call Center Setup > Override permissions)


Enable order price controls (Call Center)

(Retail and Commerce > Channels > Call centers > All call centers)


Create a price override hold code and Enable price override hold code in Call Center Parameters

Select Channel users and add your user as a Call Center user


(Sales and marketing > Setup > Sales orders > Order hold codes)


(Retail and Commerce > Channel setup > Call center setup > Call center parameters)


Step 3 - Create a Call Center Sales Order with price override on the line and save the SO. Check that the order holds are inserted.

If the profit % is less than the percentage in step 2, then an icon will show up for the line, and a hold code will be put for this sales order, and users need to submit the sales order to workflow to gets approved, then the hold code will be removed.

 The item must allow price adjustments

(Product information management > Products > Released products > Sell fast tab)


Create sales order - Item was changed from 69.99 to 39.99 (Over the 30% set in Override Permissions in Step 2) and Price Reason code must be entered in Line details

 Note the Approval icon when the Unit price was changed

 (Accounts Receivable > Orders > All sales orders)


Workflow Icon and Workflow menu will display once the form is refreshed.


Step 4 - There is a workflow button on the sales order which should be used to submit for approval.

Submit the workflow

Click Submit All button


Workflow changes to Approval


Step 5 - Holds can be approved in Store management workspace. 




Once the workflow is in approved state, the sales order holds will be cleared. Without workflow approval, these holds cannot be cleared and will be inserted again and again by design.


Retail and Commerce  > Customers > Order holds

Clear the hold, so you can process the sales order


Complete Call Center Sales order payment with the approved price override.


*This post is locked for comments

  • Community member Profile Picture Community member
    Posted at
    Call Center Price Override Functionality with Manager Approval Workflow for Dynamics 365
    Hi Dawn, In my experience here even though I have enabled the workflow and all these settings, the user can still modify the sales line Net Amount without having to get approval. Is the net amount field meant to be treated differently? Why do we not have the option to control it? Thanks 
  • SeanSolutions Profile Picture SeanSolutions 10
    Posted at
    Met with Dawn, she was SUPER helpful. If the company has had "Enable order price control" enabled prior to this workflow being used, then you need to go into the MCRSalesLine and make sure RETAILPRICEOVERRIDEWORKFLOWSTATE = 1 for all sales orders. If it = 0, then the workflow will retroactively put those sales orders on hold and require them to go through workflow as well. Also, azure groups still don't work with this workflow yet, so let me know if you try it and it works.
  • SeanSolutions Profile Picture SeanSolutions 10
    Posted at
    Dawn, very well done. Some things have already changed from when you wrote this in 6/2021 to now in 12/2022. Those don't matter as much as the bug I found. When we implement this workflow in our system, it will retroactively find every price change that has occurred and require an approval. Since this a line level approval with hundreds of sales orders, it adds up to thousands of lines. We need the sales orders to be put on hold, but again, old sales orders with price changes are being put on hold for price changes that shouldn't be put on hold. Is there an OOTB way to get around this? Or do we have to write an extension on the number of approval lines, or on the hold codes? Very disappointed with the out of the box options here.
  • N_peter Profile Picture N_peter 75
    Posted at
    Dawn, Is there anyway to incorporate this into some of the documentation on call center and sales order processing options on the site? A lot of the information you have outlined feels appropriate to have called out in the docs documentation here Can you please consider consolidating this on the docs site? Thanks for the write post, I was able to get the functionality working as you have shown here.
  • Victoria723723 Profile Picture Victoria723723 55
    Posted at
    Thanks for this one, great information. I wonder if we can setup price override permission based on the discount percentage? Say if one can only apply 5% or less than 10%, if over then go through a workflow? I could not find the manual discount field in the workflow.