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Missing accounts when posting Commerce statement

If you receive an error that Account numbers are missing or do not exist, go through the following to make sure all accounts are setup:


Verify all accounts are valid and allowed for posting in the account structure

General Ledger>>Ledger setup >>Ledger – Note Account structure.
Drill into Account structure and verify accounts are valid and allow posting. Select Edit if anything needs to be changed.  When finished Activate.



Retail and commerce >> Channels>> Stores >> All Stores and select your store.
Verify the Default customer is valid.
Statement/Closing fast tab – verify Rounding account is selected and valid.
Setup tab (at the top menu) – Setup>>Payment methods>>Posting tab – On all of the payment methods, verify Account type and if Ledger account, the valid account is selected. Verify Difference accounts, Bank transactions and Save transaction accounts.
Retail and commerce >>Headquarters Setup>>Parameters>>Commerce Parameters>>Posting tab – Periodic discounts.
If Post periodic discount = No, the account will come from the discount.
If Post periodic discount = Yes, the discount account should be selected and valid.


Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable>>Customers>>All customers and select the customer you are having issues with.
Drill into Customer group
Click Setup>>Item Posting.
Select Issue, Consumption, and Revenue and verify that you have a Main account specified. If there is a Discount, you will want to check that there is an account specified.  I would recommend setting a account for all of the options.
Back in the Customer Group, drill into Terms of payment. If the Terms of payment is Cash, verify that you have a Cash account specified.
Accounts Receivable>>Setup>>Customer posting profiles
Select the posting profile.
Accounts Receivable>>Setup>>Accounts Receivable parameters – Ledger and sales tax tab and check the used posting profile under General>>Posting.
Verify that you have an Summary account set for your customers group.



Product information management>>Products>>Released products – select the item that is the issue.
In the Manage costs fast tab, drill into the Item group.
Sales order tab.
Verify there is a valid account for Sales order issue, consumption, revenue, discount, and commission (if used)



The error could also be related to the Sales tax account.
Tax>>Setup>>Sales tax>>Ledger posting groups – select the Ledger posting group. Sales tax payable should be selected.
If you receive an error that the ledger posting group does not have an account for sales tax direction Sales tax payable specified, in the Ledger posting groups note the Sales tax payable account.  Go to General ledger
Edit and add a legal entity.  Select Sales tax and select Sales in the Sales tax direction field.
Accounts Receivable>>Customers>>All customers and select the customer you are having issues with.
Invoice and delivery fast tab and drill in on Sales tax group.
In Sales tax groups form, select Setup tab and drill into all Sales tax codes.
In the Sales tax codes form, select General tab>>drill into Ledger posting group.  Verify the accounts are entered and valid in the account structure
Product information management>>Products>> Released products – select the item that is the issue.
Sell fast tab – drill into Item Sales tax group.
In Item Sales tax groups form, select Setup tab>>drill into the relevant Sales tax code.
In the Sales tax codes form, select General tab>>drill into the Ledger posting group.  Verify the accounts are entered and valid in the account structure.


General Ledger

I have also seen issues with the Gain and Loss accounts.
General Ledger>>Ledger Setup>>Ledger – Expand the Accounts for currency revaluation. Verify there is a Main account setup for the Realized and Unrealized Gains and Loss records that are valid with the account structure.




In addition, when posting Financial statements, you might get an error 'Account number for Transaction type Ledger journal does not exist'.  If you create Bank drop operations in POS from 'Manage safes' menu - this means Safe is involved into operations.  Then you must set up Safe ledger account in Cash payment method (Posting tab/section Safe transactions).  If you do not set up this ledger account, the Financial statement posting will fail.


Issue if accounts from above Posting Profile coming from a Chart of Accounts not assigned to the company.  If this is the issue, delete the account number and re-type it.  This should grab the correct Chart of Accounts for the correct company.


General Ledger>>Ledger Setup>>Posting setup >> Accounts for automatic transactions –Verify there is a Main account setup for all of the Posting types that are valid with the account structure.

Error:  The ledger posting group XXX does not have an account for sales tax direction Sales tax payable specified.

This error occurs when General Ledger Parameters > Sales Tax >> Apply sales tax taxation rules = No.  For a US company this is normally set to Yes.  If set to No, this is for VAT taxes and requires sales tax direction to be set on the tax code.  

Error:  Account number for transaction type Sales Tax does not exist

This error can occur when General Ledger Parameters > Sales Tax >> Conditional sales tax is set to Yes, if the sales tax code has a Sales tax payable, Use tax payable and Settlement account specified.  If we set this parameter to No, we can get past the error.


