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An unexpected error has occurred when approving, saving, or submitting a Timesheet in Business Portal

Hello - In Business Portal Project Time and Expense you might run into the following issue when Approving, Saving or Submitting a Timesheet:

An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator

If you are Saving or Submitting this is typically caused by an "out of date" Timesheet Template. Templates were designed to be a moment in time tool that helps speed up the data entry process.  When Projects are in a status other than Open you will get this message.  What you can do is remove the Template for the user to see if this resolves the issue:

Delete PDK00300 where EMPLOYID='XXXX'
Delete PDK00301 where EMPLOYID='XXXX'

This error can also occur if you have Projects that do not exist in the System, but they exist on the users Project Template/Timesheet. Here is a script to verify this:

1. Check for Projects that are in the Timesheet Line that do not exist in GP

select * from PDK10001 where PAPROJNUMBER not in (select PAPROJNUMBER from PA01201)

2. Verify Projects that are on a Template that do not exist in GP:

select * from PDK00301 where PAPROJNUMBER not in (select PAPROJNUMBER from PA01201)

If you find occurrences in the above select statements these will need to be removed either from the Timesheet (go into PDK and remove the line with the invalid Project) or Delete the Timesheet Template itself. Here are steps you would need to accomplish:

1. If you find results for script #1 you will need to log into PDK Modify that Timesheet and remove the invalid Project.
2. If you find results for script #2 you will need to delete the Template and have the user create a new one. To do this you can run the following deletes:

Delete PDK00300 where EMPLOYID='XXXX'
Delete PDK00301 where EMPLOYID='XXXX'

We also have a KB that goes over other usual suspects when dealing with this type of message. This KB makes sure you are properly configured in GP, PDK, and Portal:

I hope this helps!

Andy Sather


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