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Resolving posted sales invoices Not Showing in Register Customer Payments

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,355 Super User
Resolving posted sales invoices Not Showing in Register Customer Payments in Business Central
In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, ensuring that all sales invoices are correctly reflected in register customer payments is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records and efficient cash flow management. However, some users encounter issues where posted sales invoices do not appear in the register Customer Payments page. This blog post will guide you through resolving this issue.

Suggested Solution
The key to resolving this issue lies in ensuring that the necessary fields are displayed on the register Customer Payments page. Often, the problem arises because the related fields have not been added via personalization. Here’s a step-by-step guide to resolve this:

Personalize the Customer Payments Page:

Navigate to the register Customer Payments page in Business Central.
Click on the Personalize option.
Add the Required Fields:

Ensure that fields such as document no. and document type are added to the view.

By following these steps, you can streamline your payment registration process and avoid potential discrepancies in your financial records.


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