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WHS: License plate grouping policy

Purchase, Transfer and Load receiving mobile device menu items have one parameter that makes a difference to the creation of a license plate and put away work. This parameter is called “License plate grouping policy” and it has 3 options: None, License plate grouping and User defined. In this post we will review the difference between of them.

As an example I have picked the scenario where we buy Sunflower oil from a supplier. The supplier sends it to us in drums (1 drum has 200 litres in it). The minimum purchased quantity is a pallet that contains 4 drums. That is how pallet looks like:


I have setup the item with litres as inventory unit of measure and pallets as a purchase unit. In addition, I have created following unit conversions for it:

  • 1 pallet = 800 l
  • 1 drum = 200 l


  • 1 pallet = 4 drums


The setup of unit sequence group assigned to this looks as follows:


After we’ve setup the item we can create 3 purchase orders to buy few pallets of sunflower oil:


Now we will receive all those orders by using purchase order item receiving mobile device menu item with different License plate grouping policy to see how the system process it.


The first option we’ll try is “None”. When license plate grouping policy is set to “None” all items would be received on the same license plate.

Login on the mobile device and select Purchase Receive menu item, then enter purchase order number that we are receiving:


Enter item number and quantity, in this case it is 2 pallets, confirm item number and enter the batch:



After workflow is completed we go back to MSDyn365FO to check put away work that has been created. As you can see from the below screenshot we have one work / target license plate for all received quantity, which is 2 pallets:


Let’s see what result we’ll get with “License plate groupping” option. With this setting the items will be split to the multiple license plates depending on the setup of the License plate grouping in the Unit sequence group.

Repeat same steps as before, login to the mobile device and enter purchase order number and item:


Enter receipt quantity (2 pallets) and assign the batch number:



This time we need to enter batch information twice for each pallet:


If we check work created in the system we’ll see that this time system generated 2 put away works and we have different target license plates per each pallet:


Last but not least is “User defined”. This option splits received items based on the quantity and unit defined by the user during receipt on the mobile device:

Login to the mobile device and enter purchase order number and item:


Enter quantity, this time I have changed unit of measure on the mobile device from pallet to drums and entered 4 as a quntity:


Enter the batch number and repeat this step 4 times for each drum:


This time we have 4 put away works created per each drum:


This setting makes creation of the put away work very flexible, but you have to decide what option suits you best.





This was originally posted here.


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