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Dynamics NAV Web Client Overview

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There are a couple of  ways that one can access Dynamics NAV 2013 amongst them are ODATA ( a new HTTP-based way of accessing data by creating a query in a format similar to web address, SharePoint parts, and a dedicated Web Client.

The web client is exposed using IIS, but the installation is taken care of very well with the installer. When opening the client, it appears very very similar to the rich client. However, it is short of a few things: being a web browser you can’t context right click. Also, you can’t view the chart parts and there is no report rendering. That being said, if you strategize what you make available on the web client there could be immediate positive business impact.  We’ve played around with the Dynamics NAV web client and had it working on an iPhone via VPN as well as on Android and IOS based tablets. We’ve also used browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Dolphin. The other great thing about the web client is that all changes (bar those mentioned) made to the Rich Client pages automatically  work in the Web Client without an extra coding or deployment processes.


An immediate application for this that sprang to mind was for a customer of ours who deploys tools and assets to construction sites and regularly leaves them on site by accident. A simple page could be built that allows the input of a Job No., which would display a list of tools and resources on that site. A user could then select each line and book it off the site.  As this is directly in the Dynamics NAV database, the Time to Value is very short!


The post Dynamics NAV Web Client Overview appeared first on Encore Blog.


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