We're using the bank statement import feature of F&O with Document types specifying SharePoint folders that are then associated with the Electronic reporting source for the bank statement. When we use the Import statement function on the Bank statement form and run the import interactively, the expected SharePoint move from input to archive is completed successfully. If the Import statement function is sent to batch, the statement is read & imported, but the movement action fails with the error File cannot be moved to Archive folder.An unknown error occurred while communicating with the SharePoint server 'client.sharepoint.com'. This behaviour is the same for all users: accessing the F&O interface as the admin or batch user successfully moves files interactively, but sending to batch fails.
This is perhaps consistent with the Document management parameters form, where the
- Test interactive SharePoint connection link succeeds with the infolog message Successfully connected to SharePoint server 'client.sharepoint.com'
- Test batch SharePoint connection gives the infolog message You are not authorized to connect to 'client.sharepoint.com'
for both
admin and
batch user. Accessing the SharePoint folders directly through the web UI for either of those user accounts allows a file to be uploaded to the
archive folder, so I wonder whether there's a different account I should be checking for the batch execution. I assume the statement "Batch jobs are run by using the security credentials of the user who created the job" from
the MS page on batch jobs applies primarily to RBAC in F&O, but is also relevant to any external connections, so if a process works as user X interactively, it should work the same in batch. Can anyone please advise what I'm missing?
I've seen a few SharePoint threads:
December 2022,
September 2023,
September 2023 (clearly a good month for SharePoint issues), but they don't directly address batch vs interactive