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Supply Chain Management forum

Entity for on hand inventory by location dimension

Posted on by 27
I am trying to build a simple canvas app that will list available on hand inventory by item and need help in determining which entity to use.  I only see one that is by warehouse id. I need one that breaks it down by location dimension.  I dont have access to dev environment or source codes :( 
  • MacNeg Profile Picture
    MacNeg 27 on at
    Entity for on hand inventory by location dimension
    Thanks a lot Navneeth! 
    Have a great day! 
  • Verified answer
    Navneeth Nagrajan Profile Picture
    Navneeth Nagrajan 1,309 on at
    Entity for on hand inventory by location dimension
    Hi MacNeg,
    Added the recommended entities in bold. InventInventoryOnhandReportStorageV2Entity is the best one to leverage but it has no public collection name. Checked all the details in the Application explorer. 
    S.No Data Entity Name Public Collection Name Data Management Enabled Comments
    InventOnHandAIEntity InventoryOnHandForAI No Introduced with  v10.0.40 and can use public collection nam. Found this entity closest to retrieving Onhand inventory with product and location details. Need to add the field InventLocationId in the data entity to retrieve the warehouse, site,location and product details.
    2. InventLocationBIEntity  InventLocationBIEntities No Need custom development. Need to add product id and product details.
    InventInventoryOnhandReportStorageV2Entity No Public Collection Name No Available in v10.0.38 and v10.0.40 too. Public collection name not available and data management not enabled for this entity. Best entity to be leveraged in PowerApps. 
    InventLocationAIEntity  InventoryWarehousesForAI No No location name and product names in here. Need to add those fields.
    Hope this helps.  Happy to answer questions, if any.
  • MacNeg Profile Picture
    MacNeg 27 on at
    Entity for on hand inventory by location dimension
    Thanks for the reply andreasraithel and Navneeth! I verified in powerapps with the Fin and ops apps D365 connector and these entities are not showing up.  Maybe these are not publicly available? I also tried using postman to query some data and I am getting the response no route data found for this request.  Our finops version is 10.0.38.  I also checked it thru Data Manaement - Data Entities and did not see these entities. :( 
  • Suggested answer
    Navneeth Nagrajan Profile Picture
    Navneeth Nagrajan 1,309 on at
    Entity for on hand inventory by location dimension
    Hi MacNeg,
    The following entities can be considered for on hand inventory by item in the canvas app.
    1. InventOnHandStorageReportingLine
    2. InventLocationBIEntity (Closest to inventory breakdown by location)
    3. InventInventoryOnhandReportStorageV2Entity
    4. InventLocationAIEntity (Introduced with v10.0.40, the other one which you can consider)
    Happy to answer questions, if any.
  • Suggested answer
    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,574 on at
    Entity for on hand inventory by location dimension
    when you are using extended Warehouse management (WMS) the first apporach would be to use WMS mobils app
    If you don't use WMS module there are three entities that have the Location inside:
    - InventInventoryOnhandReportStorageV2Entity
    - InventInventoryOnHandMobileEntryEntity
    For the *ReportStorage* entitiy I assume you need to have the inventory report storage setup to be updated periodically.
    For the third one you can also try to use that one,
    As a datasource for the mobile app I would reecommend to use "virtual entity" instead of a query to D365FO connector.
    For searching entities and fields you can use the tool for entity research
    Hope this helps.

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