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Custom Page not added to MDA after deployment.

Posted on by 120

Hello everyone,

We have requirement to show a custom page on a button click and we developed the same in dev instance and is opening on button click.


After the managed solution deployment the custom page is not visible in the MDA of the targe environment.

Steps followed.

Added the custom page to Model driven application using App Designer and the page is should not be visible on the sitemap so just unchecked while adding the page.

used the following to show the page Navigating to and from a custom page in your model-driven app using client API - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn

Exported the solution as managed and imported to target, tried both (Solution Update and Upgrade)


The custom page is not added to the MDA and is also not opening on button click.

verified there are no unmanaged customizations for MDA on the target environment using solution layers.


When we imported the solution as unmanaged solution to a different instance, the page is added to MDA and is opening on button click.


What could be the issue? Why is the page not added to the MDA in target instance?


  • JD-20061832-0 Profile Picture
    JD-20061832-0 2 on at
    Custom Page not added to MDA after deployment.
    Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I am facing the same problem
  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,962 Moderator on at
    RE: Custom Page not added to MDA after deployment.


    Did you try increasing the solution version number ?

  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Custom Page not added to MDA after deployment.

    Hi Anand,

    Generally speaking, the imported solution does not report an error but does not work because of the solution layer 

    I suggest you create a support ticket for professional assistance following the below procedure.

    Get Help + Support - Dynamics | Microsoft Docs

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