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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

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Hi there!

Does anyone know where I can find documentation for the following classes?

  • Microsoft.Dynamics.HierarchyViewerWPF.HierarchyView
  • Microsoft.Dynamics.HierarchyViewerWPF.HVController 

I've tried googling and MSDSing them, but it is like they do not exist. (This is used in forms like HierarchyDesigner with a ManagedHost form control.)

Thanks in advance.


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  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,569 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

    There are several great tools available - look at ILSpy (open source), for instance.

  • Tina Vyf Profile Picture
    Tina Vyf on at
    RE: HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

    Thanks for the answer, Martin! I get it, but I just not used to not seeing Microsoft's code that I am using in Dynamics AX.

    I was able to finish my custom hierarchy builder without documentation. There are a few thing that I could not figure out by looking at the examples is AX, like how to make the node block size bigger. Lucky it not a big issue.

    I have never decompiled an assembly before. Could you point me in the right direction for a tutorial or tool to do that?

  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,569 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

    Microsoft.Dynamics.HierarchyViewerWPF.HierarchyView doesn't seem to be considered a public interface and you simply don't get documentation for every class internally used by Microsoft or any other company in their products.

    What I do with .NET assemblies without documentation is decompiling them and looking at the code.

  • Tina Vyf Profile Picture
    Tina Vyf on at
    RE: HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

    I found the answer to my last question - I forgot to implement getNodeName() on the OMHierarchyDesigner class.

    Back to my original question, where can I find documentation for .Net classes in Dynamics?

    For example, I've also used Workbook.ExportAsFixedFormat in Dynamics ax. If you google that, the first hit is a MSDN page with documentation:

    Where can I find similar documentation for these classes?



    (and if none exist, my question is, how is that possible?)

  • Tina Vyf Profile Picture
    Tina Vyf on at
    RE: HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am making a custom hierarchy for inventory that should look like the organizational hierarchy. I have my own implementations of OMOrganizationNode, OMOrganizationHierarchy and OMHierarchyDesigner.

    When I create OMOrganizationNodes and add them to the OMOrganizationHierarchy, I can see the node rendered with the company name. When I add MyNodes, the node is rendered, but with no text (so no company name or other test). As far as I can see, a OMOrganizationNodes is simply a RefRecId to OMOperatingUnit or CompanyInfo.

    My question is, at what point does the OMOrganizationHierarchy, HVController or HierarchyView retrieve the company name/operating unit and renders that on the hierarchy?

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,569 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: HierarchyViewerWPF documentation or help

    I don't think that such documentation exists.

    Are you dealing with any specific problem regarding this control?

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