Hi All,
I had a requirement to hide fields in a quick view form.
EntityA: new_service (Field: new_examstaken - lookup); EntityB: new_exam (Fields: new_exam, new_examtype, new_completeddate, new_faileddate, new_examstatus)
I have created a quick view form of Exam on Service Entity. When a user cleared his exam we shouldn't show "new_faileddate" field on the form.
To achieve this, using below syntax, but getting null values in the output.
var quickViewExamControl = Xrm.Page.getControl("examQF_examQF_new_exam_new_faileddate"); if (quickViewExamControl .getAttribute().getValue() == null) { quickViewExamControl .setVisible(false); }
Referenece: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicscrm-2016/developers-guide/gg334266(v=crm.8)
Thank You, Sai Krishna