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Microsoft Dynamics AX forum

BOmDesigner form bomversion choosing algorithm

Posted on by 763
Could you please kindly help me? There is a standard BOMDesigner form which shows Item/Boms hierarchy for the particular ITEMID.  My ItemId has got 2 specifications with 2 active versions but BOM designer chooses only one of them. I need to understand the algorithm how BOMDesigner chooses one particular specification. ON the from there is a bomversion datasource and it initializes (gets partiucular bomversion.recid) in super() of BOMVersion_ds.linkActive() method. How does that happen? how the system does this? I need to understand why this particular BOMVESRION.recid was chosen by BOMDESIGNER. BOMVESRION datasource is not linked to any other datasource.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 287,914 Super User on at
    BOmDesigner form bomversion choosing algorithm
    Hi Dark knight,
    Thanks for sharing your findings. I marked your latest reply to set the status of this question to Answered.
  • Verified answer
    dark_knight Profile Picture
    dark_knight 763 on at
    BOmDesigner form bomversion choosing algorithm
    seems like i found what I was searching for
    there is method BOMVersion::findActive

    Without specifying criteria, it is not possible for AX to tell you active BOM, as there can multiple BOM(s) active at same time, based on three factors

    1) Inventory dimensions (color, size, site, warehouse etc. etc.)

    2) Date (period)

    3) Quantity

  • dark_knight Profile Picture
    dark_knight 763 on at
    BOmDesigner form bomversion choosing algorithm
    Hi Andre,
    I use 2012. So I have 2 BOMs with different BOMIDs for one itemid let's call it ItemID1 and bom designer chooses only one of them. I think there is a complex algorithm how it chooses the version and one bomid out of 2 respectively  based on inventdimids like color, size, configuration etc. Maybe you know some examples in the system how to find a correct active bomid for the itemid like in bomdesigner? Both versions are active and approved. These versions have different BOMIDs. IN fact these are different BOMs but for one itemid1. IN contrast we can create 2 versions for one BOMID. I tried to research how BOMDESIGNER form works but it's not straightforward.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 287,914 Super User on at
    BOmDesigner form bomversion choosing algorithm
    Hi Dark knight,

    What exact version of Dynamics AX are you using? When checking some details quickly in Dynamics 365, it could be sorted on the BOM Id.

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