To verify it isn't an issue with VBA, you can try the following:
1. Have all users log out of an instance of Dynamics GP.
2. As 'sa', login to GP and in the Customization Maintenance window, export everything into a package file, then close GP.
3. Cut/Paste all forms and reports dictionary files into a backup folder, so they are not where the Dynamics.set file is looking for them.
4. Also, in the GP directory, cut/paste all .vba files into a backup folder.
5. Log into Dynamics GP as 'sa' and verify the Customization Maintenance window shows nothing, otherwise the previous steps were not done completely/successfully.
6. Attempt to email the EFT remittances again to see if Dynamics GP still crashes. If it does not, then you're probably running into the issue we have with email and VBA.
The only email issue we see specific to EFT remittances, is when there is a customization on the Template or odd characters in the email addresses used, you can refer to the following for this information:
•Error messages when you email RM Statements in Microsoft Dynamics GP: Unknown Error or Insufficient Memory
• Use default report and Template and make sure the Template is the one marked with an Asterisk (*).
o If the default works, check the bookmarks on the modified template:
• Remove all email addresses being used and reenter them. Make sure that there are no odd characters such as ^ or a Tab.
• This issue can occur with all reports, and these can be caused by MessageID issues or Reply To issues. Make sure to remove all MessageIDs and Reply To emails.