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General Journal lines with project date different from the accounting date

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Hi! We have an issue where some General Journal lines with project transactions have the Project date different from the Accounting date
This issue happens sometimes and we don´t know why this happens, but what we need to know is how to prevent it.
If someone has any idea on why this happens and/or if there is a parameter that don´t allow to post when the Project date and the accounting date are different, I will be grateful
thanks in advance.
PD: Images of the dates I´m refering to:
  • Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 10,767 Super User on at
    General Journal lines with project date different from the accounting date
    We had the same issue and we have locked the project date fields for group of user via security role and then users have not possibility to change the project date.
    It should be taken into consideration that if voucher date get updated and there is still possibility that users choose "No" and allow different project and voucher date. Then, users must choose "Yes" in a case they want to modify voucher date:

    If you cannot find this as workaround, like Andre mentioned, you need to have customization.
  • Suggested answer
    Prem Kumar Bachu Profile Picture
    Prem Kumar Bachu 3,397 on at
    General Journal lines with project date different from the accounting date
    There is a parameter in project accounting to control these fields for AP invoice journal. If you need the same for GL journal, you may need to customize it.
  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... 283,176 Super User on at
    General Journal lines with project date different from the accounting date
    Hi Silvia,
    There is no parameter that checks for having the same dates in these fields. You would need to consider a customization.
  • SILVIA RUIZ Profile Picture
    SILVIA RUIZ 75 on at
    General Journal lines with project date different from the accounting date
    Ho: The customer use to insert journals by loading, but they don´t fill the project date for this loading
    But anything is possible, so my question is: is there a parameter that review this date discrepancy and blocked from happend or should we customize it?
  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... 283,176 Super User on at
    General Journal lines with project date different from the accounting date
    You shared the screenshot of a journal. Are the lines in this journal entered manually or imported? Could it be the case that the line is initially created with a date and later changed? In that case, the project transaction date can be out of sync with the accounting date.

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