RE: Trigger a workflow on condition when two entities created on time is same
Hi partner,
1.If you want to trigger a workflow when changing a field, you could add a condition in process like this.
For example, I want to trigger the workflow when I change the name field on account.
2. Then you said when the two entitis' createdon is the same or close to 1 day, you could set another condition.
You could find the related entities in the "Look for" list and add the fields of the related entities as conditons.
Then we add an action to create a new record.
Please note that, according to your description, there are 3 situations:
a.You want to trigger this workflow when change a filed in entity Z which has N:1 relationships with X and Y.If so, the above method can be used.
b.You want to trigger this workflow when change a filed in entity Z which has 1:N relationships with X and Y.If so, you could only create a custom plug-in with C# to get all the X&Y records and compare each record's created on.
c.You want to trigger this workflow when change a field in entity X or entity Y. Only when the main entity has a N:1 relationship with the related entity then you could find it in "Look for" list.
If my description is not very clear, please share more details about your requiemend about which entity do you want to tirgger workflow and then I will help you do more analysis.
Hope it helps.
Best Regards,