I am encountering this problem in two different scenarios which I suspect may be linked.
1.) I have attempted to export a solution (managed) from Sandbox Environment to Production today which includes a custom entity, the import into Production fails due to the import being to large, however when open the log it gives the reason states Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'stageid' in table 'A'. As part of this solution I have enabled Business Process Flows to allow creation of Mobile Task Flows, I believe that stageid was created as part of this, but only exists once within Sandbox.
2.) Having looked at the same custom entity within the Production environment, stageid does not exist and the Business Process Flow is not enabled yet. However if I attempt to enable Business Process Flow I get the same error.
I have checked all fields within the entity for any duplication.
Is anyone able to shed any light on this or provide any guidance as to how this could be resolved?
Many thanks