RE: API orderby limitations
Hi Derek,
I created same project entity like yours and same calculated field remaining_hours, with your query filter:
?$select=new_remaining_hours,new_name,statecode&$filter=statecode eq 0&$orderby=new_remaining_hours desc
However, the calculated field works without issue.

While my testing is by executing web api in browser address bar and console directly, so there is no other code with it.
Could you try to create a new field to get substracted value from estimated hours and delivered hours to test whether the issue still exists?
If the issue still exists, could you share me:
> some of your other code in your JS library
> or any customization such as other JS libraries or business rule or workflow on your project form
> and your CRM version? (Mine is online.)
Just want to confirm whether there is any of possible factor that may has impact on your final result.