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Expecting check digit 7, but found 3 for barcode xxxxxxxxxxx

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we are facing below issue while trying to upload the bar code for item through the data management
please help us to resolve the issue
  1. Expecting check digit 7, but found 3 for barcode 1011XXXX27423
  2. A bar code can be used only once for scanning
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Expecting check digit 7, but found 3 for barcode xxxxxxxxxxx
    If the check digit does not match the check digit in the bar code mask, you receive an error message that resembles the following message: "Expecting check digit 8 but found 3."
    You can view this article: Set up bar code mask characters | Microsoft Learn
    Best Regards,
  • Judy Profile Picture
    Judy Microsoft Employee on at
    Expecting check digit 7, but found 3 for barcode xxxxxxxxxxx
    Hi, based on the error messages, can you double check barcode to ensure that it was entered correctly and that the barcode format is correct and matches the expected format.
    Hope it helps.
    Best Regards,

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