I use my Financial Reports every week. When I click on Financial Reports, I now get a hyperlink to a page telling me to setup Financial Reporting in Power Platform Admin Center https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2198669. I submitted a Microsoft case about it, and they replied that they found I did not use my Financial Reports and so they disabled my Financial Reporting feature. I checked in Sandbox too, same hyperlink. I looked in the SQL table FINANCIALREPORTS, and it is now empty. Microsoft has deleted all my custom reports. Has this happened to anyone else? Any idea how I can get my custom reports back?
Financial Reporting deactivated in Dynamics Finance
Whoa. That response from MSFT doesn't sound legit. I would escalate with MSFT. How long has been since you last generated a report in the sandbox? Your technical team might be able to do a point in time restore of the Sandbox databases to get your report definitions back. FR reports are stored in a separate database from FinOps, so hopefully it's available for PIT restore also. If they can restore them in Sandbox, you can export them from there and import them to Production.
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