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Posting purchase invoice performance

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I know that talking about performance is not easy but I'll try to do my best. We have one production environment with 3 aos and 4 batch instances, no one is complaining about performance in general, but some users are complaining about the time it takes to post the purchase orders invoice, I asked the users to post the invoices using the batch framework so I could be able to see how time it really takes to finish, but also because I could try to take a look into the lcs environment monitoring page because the batch process saves the time date.

My question is, it is normal an invoice takes almost 3 minutes to be posted?, in this particular case, the invoice has 123 lines, each line is from a single packing slip with only one inventory transaction each, is hard to justify how long it takes, I mean, the subledgerjournal has been calculate before posting, and now all the ledger transacions are posted through an asyncron process. In your experience with the customers, is this behaviour normal or not?, for example, have you ever seen an invoice with 100 lines (with purchase orders and inventory transactions) be posted in less than a minute?

I'm going to open a request, but before doing that I would like to hear about other experiences.

  • CU29060300-0 Profile Picture
    CU29060300-0 4 on at
    Posting purchase invoice performance
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  • RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    This will be the last message in this post, we had the support of the product group that even duplicated our production environment to do more tests without interferring the users in an environment that was exactly the same than production in size and resources. The case has been closed and the conclusions are deeply disappointing, after a detailed report of execution times the answer is:

    "One thing to remember is that, we posted 97 lines instead of 48, so the average time for posting a single line is: 124 / +97 = 1.28s.

    We do not see any significant slowness in a certain part of the code, there is no instant fix we could provide here."

    they say that 1.28 seconds per line in 2022 and cloud processing is reasonable in terms of performance, an asset journal with 2003 lines takes 4 minutes to be posted, wich is 0.12 seconds per lines, I agree is not the same, but the asset journal pots a voucher and also it creates new asset transactions

  • RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    Its been a long time but we are still working on this issue, we have now the support of the product group, but this is his answer:

    "other at 2021-10-27 10:04:52 CEST

    The posting performance is reasonable under current accounting posting framework.

    edited at 2021-10-27 10:03:50 CEST

    Current posting framework deals with line items line-by-line, so basically the posting duration is linear to total line items.  Noted that the posting is not just write the invoice and transaction related tables, the journalize will cost most of the time, which makes it difficult to improve the total performance by small adjustment.

    Please collect customer's expectation for the invoice posting, while we can't go deeper with a generic performance issue in this case."

    So, although Ludwig Reinhard or Danilo Bambi agrees 3 minutes seems a lot of time, product group team doesn't seems to see any performance issue, so, does anybody can share his experience with posting times on vendor invoices?, something like, "I have never seen such a bad performance in posting process" or "as my experience this is a normal behaviour". I don't know if to agree with product team and close the case or not, and try to force them to investigate a bit more

  • RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    I've also published createdDateTime field from VendInvoiceTrans, 123 lines total, 38 where created in the second 45 and the rest (85) were created in the second 46, the last line was created at 14:01:46, but the process itself was finished at 14:04:19 (I know this because it was processed using the batch framework), so I guess I'll have to investigate a bit more. Anyway, today I'll open a request.

  • RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    To take a trace is one of the first things I did, nothing to remark, standard code

  • greengrimms Profile Picture
    greengrimms 1,400 on at
    RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    Hi Mariano,

    It definitely sounds like quite some time. Do you happen to have ISV solutions installed?

    I'd suggest taking a trace and analyzing it in a dev environment as a first step in order to diagnose the issue:

  • RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    which information would you like to know? (I agree that 3 min. is a long time)

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Posting purchase invoice performance

    Hi Mariano,

    Without having more information, I would say that 3 min is a long time for posting 123 invoice lines.

    Best regards,


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