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How to change format data in Timeline

Posted on by 111

Hi everyone,

I'd like to change format data in this annotation.


Can someone help me?

I'd like to set dd/mm/yyyy instead of mm/dd/yyyy.

Thanks for your help.

Silvia Innamorati

  • Silvia Innamorati Profile Picture
    Silvia Innamorati 111 on at
    RE: How to change format data in Timeline

    Hi Nouhaila,

    thanks for reply!

    I already set this date format but it doesn't work.

    This setting change the format of data pointed by the arrow.


    I need to change the one highlighted.

    Can you help me?



  • Suggested answer
    NoellaB Profile Picture
    NoellaB 165 User Group Leader on at
    RE: How to change format data in Timeline

    Hello Silvia,

    In terms to make this change, you will need to modify your personal settings as follows:

    Click on Settings Icon > Personalization Settings


    Select Formats Tab, then you have two options:


    • Change the current format language directly, this will modify all format preview elements and you click on OK.
    • Leave the current format language as it is and click on Customize
      • If you chose this option, you will need to go on date tab and select the wanted format then click apply


    If this helps, please mark my response as verified 

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