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Prevent partial delivery checkbox in purchase order lines

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Posted on by 723
Is 'Prevent partial delivery' setting in purchase order lines (General tab) inherited from any other setup? I have checked item master, vendor setup and a few more places but couldn't find similar field. Does anyone know?
Thanks and regards!

  • Verified answer
    Dogan Adiyaman Profile Picture
    Dogan Adiyaman 625 User Group Leader on at
    Prevent partial delivery checkbox in purchase order lines
    Hi - This is a purchase order line specific setting and it doesn't come from anywhere else.
  • PrzemekG Profile Picture
    PrzemekG 723 on at
    Prevent partial delivery checkbox in purchase order lines
    @Kevin Xia You are right as far as sales order lines are concerned. My question was about purchase order lines though.
  • Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Prevent partial delivery checkbox in purchase order lines
    You can refer to this official document: Dynamics Backorder Strategies ( setting Prevent partial delivery is inherited from the Order fulfillment policy (or Default fulfillment policy of the customer) to the sales line, tab General, and can be overwritten on the sales line. The user can override the fulfillment policy on the sales order. In that case, the backorder strategy on the sales order and the prevent partial delivery flag on the existing lines in this sales order will change automatically. 
    Best regards,

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