Hi all,
Looking for some assistance. I need to create a new global option set (choices) from an Excel file. I have about 450 values I want in the option set (industry names) so clearly far too many to be entered manually. And I need to use these values across the account, contact, lead, project and a couple of other entities so it needs to be a global optionset to keep things consistent. I've tried the XRMtoolbox utility for creating an option set from a csv, however, my text strings have words separated by commas (ex. "Air, Water, and Waste Program Management"). I've tried enclosing each of the strings in quotes, but that utility doesn't seem to have a frame of reference for that. It still wants to break at each comma.
Is there a reasonably easy way that I can get these values into a new global optionset whilst keeping the commas between the words that actually need to stay?
Thanks all.