What I want is to store the Primary key of a slave table into a master table. But I do not want to select or show this primary key. I want to show or select for instance the field name.
I used the Youtube sample created by Daniel Rimmelzwaan.
I have a table Book with a primary key (Favorit book No.) and some fields like name/pages/etc.
When I extend the Customer Table I can set a TableRelation.
I can extend CustomerCard like this:
When I open CustomerCard I can enter or select a Favorite Book No (which is the primary key and it will store this in the table.
But I would like to be able to select the book name and that it would store the Favorite book No.
In C# and SQL this would be a common thing to do.
I hope some people can offer me some help.
Kind regards,
Clemens Linders