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Inventory management module; Transfer orders

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Now, I have 3 legal entities on my system which are MSF, RSF, GSS. For any procurement, MSF will procure the items. Now, anytime MSF procure items, we want a set up that would allow us to transfer any amount of items from MSF legal entity using either movement, inventory adjustments or even transfer or any set up we can activate on the system that would allow us to transfer from MSF legal entity to all other legal entities without having to sign out from MSF live environment account. I want that transfer to other legal entities to be done in MSF so it can reflect in other legal entities
  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 20,726 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Inventory management module; Transfer orders
    The only possible way to achieve this to use intercompany sales order snd purchase order, other than this there is no possible way to transfer items from one to another LE
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Inventory management module; Transfer orders
    You can refer to this old thread, the user on the forum has the same problem as you, we discussed it: Transacting across legal entities without switching (D365 F&O) ( example if you use BYOD, you can try to create a shared entity against desired table where you can export data from all legal entities via exporting data on data management. Then you can export this entity to your Azure SQLDB.
    Or you can also refer to this blog: It discusses a couple of the options to replicate or share data cross companies in Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations.
    Best regards,

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