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Suggested answer

Send email to project billing spoc

Posted on by 216
We have created a project hour journal workflow wherein whenever a new project hour journal is created, it has to go through workflow approval.
Only after the workflow is approved , the journal can be posted.
The requirement is that whenever a journal gets approved, it should send an email to the billing spoc of the project.
Please suggest ways on how to proceed ahead.
  • Suggested answer
    Anton Venter Profile Picture
    Anton Venter 18,495 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Send email to project billing spoc

    Users can receive alerts whenever data has changed in the system and matches the criteria that is specified in the alert. The receiver of the alert can then choose (user options) to receive an email as well. Workflows also generate alerts / emails but for participants in the workflow only. The project billing spoc (alert recipient) will have to do a one time setup to receive alerts whenever the journal is approved i.e. status has changed to approved.
    If this is not feasible or desired, then I suggest to create a customisation to send an email / alert when the journal is approved. You can then use email templates and add useful information about the hours and projects in the email body.
  • Dynamics365Admin Profile Picture
    Dynamics365Admin 216 on at
    Send email to project billing spoc
    Hi Andre,
    The workflow is already setup. Please correct me but if we just setup alerts, the email would go to the user who submitted the workflow instead of the billing spoc on that project, right? How to redirect that email to the billing spoc instead of the user.
    How power automate or what kind of specific customization could be utilized in this case.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 290,462 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Send email to project billing spoc
    Hi Dynamics365Admin,
    You can try setting up alerts, use a Power Automate Flow or create a specific customization for this requirement.

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