I Recently created a report for my Lead entity which shows all activities within that Lead, however the Description field of the Activity entity shows all the HTML tags. Is there an 'easy' way to only show the plain text, or even better, the text with html but then showed correctly (so actually bold instead of <b></b>) ?
After some research (https://community.dynamics.com/crm/f/117/t/106774) I found that this issue was known at Microsoft and they fixed it in Rollup 14 back in 2013, though this issue still seems to be present in Dynamics 365 Online 9~
Another solution to this problem would be a JavaScript option with storing the plain text in a separate field by removing all html characters (https://www.crmanswers.net/2013/03/converting-html-e-mail-to-plain-text.html ) though this would mean that I would have to re-save all my activity entries..