I'm trying to send an Entity to an Azure Service Bus Queue and I've succeeded with that but I run into a (hopefully) small problem. Using Dynamics service endpoint I send it to Azure, but it sends the whole executioncontext which means that there's also the ParentContext and many other things, which bloat the size of it. Is there a magical way to make it not send the ParentContext? If not, what option do I have to modify the ExecutionContext? Can I make a custom plugin to send to Azure, and modify the executioncontext there before sending it on?
Technically, what I really want is a string saved in an entity, and the string does take quite a bit of space so having it duplicated in the ParentContext is a problem. If possible I would like to just send the string to the Azure Service Bus, but I'm quite new to Dynamics and completely new with Azure.
If someone have a good suggestion please give a hand! :D