I have 3 instances. At the moment I plan to have Unmanaged solutions across all three.
I have tried and failed to generate the default Teams and Queues associated with child BUs by migrating (with Kingswaysoft) the records in the reverse order from Dev into Staging. I have unfortunately ended up with duplicates. It would seem that BUs just generate what they need and ignore anything else.
Is it a reasonable tactic to copy the dev environment (minus data) into Staging and, later, Production?
We are at an early stage so there is nothing of note in Staging or Production.
I don't want to go ahead and find that I introduce some horrible problem. As I understand it, I should get the Same BUs, Teams and Queues along with Solutions and Users. it would also be nice if I got the masses of permissions for the Users and Teams migrated too. Along with Team Members.
Is this a good tactic or is there a glaring flaw?