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Need Assistance with Adding Filter to "Customer Account Statement Report

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Posted on by 723
Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on the /Customer Account Statement Report/ and have been tasked with adding a filter to it, which should function to filter the output data. 
I've already added the parameter in the contract, UIBUILD classes, and bound it in the class data provider. However, when I open the report designer, I'm unable to find the parameter under the parameter list. I already restored the dataset many times and deployed the report with no luck.

Could someone please advise if it's necessary to manually add it to the report layout XML, or if there are other steps required to ensure the report runs with the filter successfully?

Any guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!
  • Hisham Alsayed Profile Picture
    Hisham Alsayed 723 on at
    Need Assistance with Adding Filter to "Customer Account Statement Report
    Hi Layan,
       Thanks for sharing the code but my issue is not in this part ad i mentioned in the post, and it is after that related to report design when i open the parameter list under report designer.
    if you have experience with such case or add new filter, what it should do after amend UiBuild class
  • Suggested answer
    Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 2,858 Super User on at
    Need Assistance with Adding Filter to "Customer Account Statement Report
    Hi Hisham,

    Can you show us your code?

    if you did the following then you should be able to see new the parameter in the UI:
    final class CustAccountStatementExtContract_Extension
        public AccountNum accountNum;
        public AccountNum parmAccount(AccountNum _accountNum = accountNum)
            accountNum = _accountNum;
            return accountNum;
    final class CustAccountStatementExtUIBuilder_Extension
        public AccountNum  accountNum;
        public DialogField accountNumField;
        public void build()
            contract = this.dataContractObject() as CustAccountStatementExtContract;
            accountNumField = this.addDialogField(methodStr(CustAccountStatementExtContract, parmAccount), contract);
            next build();

    Layan Jweihan
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future

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