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Dynamics 365 Storage capacity usage

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I need some advice on behalf of a D365 customer.
They are getting warnings about their storage being over (below screenshot)
My question is: 

From my understanding, Microsoft is busy shrinking the database portion of the storage by striping images out of emails. The most storage is consumed by ActivityPointer Table for this customer because they deal with a lot of emails which are stored, and these emails contains images. Is that process from Microsoft to automatically shrink the database complete or will it still happen?
How do I know if Microsoft has already shrink the database portion?
My second question is, what will happen to this customer if they don't make any changes to this issue and just leave the File and Database portion as it is? Will they get charged more or will their subscription be disabled?
Thank you for some answers.
  • TJardim Profile Picture
    TJardim 46 on at
    Dynamics 365 Storage capacity usage
    Hi there,
    I am Tanisha from Connecting Software. Regarding your queries about the Dynamics 365 storage warning and Microsoft's approach to handling database storage, as previously mentioned, Microsoft has announced that the Email Description column would be migrated to Azure Blob storage. However, it is not certain when this will be implemented.
    To determine whether Microsoft has already optimized the database for your specific Dynamics 365 instance, you should review the storage details in the Dynamics 365 Administration Center. There, you can check the breakdown of storage usage, including the database portion. If recent changes were made by Microsoft, you might notice a reduction in storage used by emails and attachments.
    Exceeding storage limits may result in additional charges, subscription impact and worse overall performance. For more detailed information, I would recommend reaching out to Microsoft directly for the most current and tailored advice regarding your specific D365 instance and storage concerns.
    You might consider a third-party out-of-the-box solution like Connecting Software's CB Dynamics 365 Seamless Attachment Extractor. It can automatically move attachments and email content from Dynamics 365 to an alternative storage, such as SharePoint, Azure File Storage or Azure Blob Storage, thus reducing the load on your Dynamics 365 database. It is the only solution on the market which keeps your documents within your environment – security guaranteed.
    If you would like to learn more, you can visit our page. You can also request a free trial or a live demo with one of my colleagues from our website so that you can then decide for yourself if it fits your needs.
    All the best,
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Dynamics 365 Storage capacity usage
    Hi Partner,
    Has the issue been resolved?
    Have there been any updates? Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have!
    If it has been resolved, can you mark the response as an answer?
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Dynamics 365 Storage capacity usage
    Hi Partner,
    1.Email storage
    Email descriptions (body of the email) have up to this point been stored in the Dataverse relational store. That is changing as the Email.Description column in the email activity table is being relocated to unstructured Azure Blob storage. Azure Blob storage is also used for storage of attachments, annotations, files, and images.
    2.What will happen?
    You may not be able to create new environments, or copy or restore environments, while you are over-capacity.
    It is not clear if there are any other things that may be happening like throttling your speed, etc., but regardless, you are out of compliance. 
    It is recommended that you free up storage space when you see this warning:

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it is helpful! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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