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Are we still unable to filter grid column if the column is display only ?

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Posted on by 257
Hi guys,
I know this is old question. But since the evolution of D365FO, may I know if I have Display method in a grid (list), how to filter it ? 
  • Teevo Profile Picture
    Teevo 257 on at
    Are we still unable to filter grid column if the column is display only ?
    Hi Layan/all,
    I'm still unable to mark it, actually for all the thread.
    Kindly help to mark all the answer ?
    The issue solved as it is answered.
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 2,858 Super User on at
    Are we still unable to filter grid column if the column is display only ?
    Hi Teevo,
    If your question is answered then please verify the answers that helped.
  • Verified answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Are we still unable to filter grid column if the column is display only ?
    If a grid column has a Display method and is display only, it cannot be filtered directly through the grid's built-in filtering functionality. You can create a new column in the grid by adding a calculated or derived column based on the logic of the Display method, so you can use this new column to filter.
    Best regards,
  • Verified answer
    Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 2,858 Super User on at
    Are we still unable to filter grid column if the column is display only ?
    Hi Teevo,

    You can't filter a display method. You need to convert it to an actual field if possible (in case filtering is really needed)

    Layan Jweihan
    Please mark this answer as "Verified" if it solved your issue. In order to help others who will face a similar issue in the future
  • Verified answer
    Anthony Blake Profile Picture
    Anthony Blake 762 on at
    Are we still unable to filter grid column if the column is display only ?
    Yes correct - a display only field will have a method behind it, rather than showing you the contents of a field in a table, view, or query. Therefore sorting isn't possible,

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