I'm trying to remove the style from an element on the form. I'm under the impression that Dynamics 365 doesn't support this, but it's a requirement right now and I'm looking for some ideas. I've uploaded a script to the web resources that fires on the onLoad, then I get the reference of the variable by parent.document.getElementbyID(), then I get the element by tag name. For some reason, when I do a .style.color or .style.textDecoration -- nothing happens. There is no error, but the behavior is undesired. So my JS function isn't really applying the changes, but if i do a .style.display = "none" , it works (but it removes the data entirely, not just the link).
I also thought to try to apply a .css file to maybe force on the id a style, but I don't really understand why this is such a hard thing to do, or why something's work while other things don't. Help!