I have a unique security case that I am hoping someone can advise me on.
I have a top level business unit called CBU and many child level business units to which CBU is the parent.
I have three sets of users.
- Some Users are IT users and sit in the IT Team
- Some Users are EXO users and sit in the EXO Team
- Some Users are GM users and sit in the GM Team
The security requirements that pertain to these three sets of users are listed below.
- All three sets of users in the top level BU called CBU MUST be able to see all activities in all of the child bushiness units.
- However, All GM Users in the parent/top level BU called CBU must NOT be able to see any activities of EXO users or IT users.
- Likewise, All EXO users in the parent/top level BU called CBU must NOT be able to see any activities of GM users or IT users.
- All IT users in the parent/top level BU called CBU must be able to see all activities.
I think what makes this situation problematic is the very first requirement of All three sets of users MUST be able to see all activities in all of the child bushiness units.
I am hoping there is an easy way to do what I need to do and I am simply unable to think of what it is.
Any recommendations or advise would be greatly appreciated.