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Survey functionality question....

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Currently we are trialling voice of the customer as a survey platform and I have some questions re: voice of the customer surveying functionality.

We need to capture product, unit of measure and quantities of use of the product / unit of measure from customers.  We had created this previously on an in-house platform, the survey we created  used multiple hidden questions (27 in total) to accommodate the possible varieties of product / unit of measure, which meant reporting on the raw data output results was complex -  with a reliance on an etl routine to clean up the raw output.  I am hoping VOC will make the survey more dynamic with less complex outputs so I have  a few questions about the platform...

1/ Is it possible to have cascading lists that display only applicable relevant values for selection to a customer based on a prior selection? i.e. I need to display only relevant units of measure in Q2/ for a given product that would be selected in Q1/.  I would like to avoid having to create multiple lists / questions / fields for the separate units of measure available for each product.


I need to capture quantities of use from customers for their chosen product & unit of measure -

i/ Is it possible to set a field to capture numeric values from a customer?

ii/ If i/ is  possible, is it possible to set rules  / validation on these fields to ensure quantities of use entered by a customer do not exceed a maximum value?  These rules would vary depending on the product / unit of measure selected.

iii/ Is it possible to capture quantities of use (whilst accommodating i/ & ii/) from customers in a single field only -  without the need the need to create multiple fields / hidden questions to accommodate the multiple combinations of  product / unit of measure?

Any advice here would be most appreciated please,


Thank You,


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