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Lookup field show me others values

Posted on by 45

I have a field lookup to another entity, when a I search a value the lookup field shows me another values that may be fit but I want to just show me the value that I already put.
How I can do that? 



  • RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,406 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values


    Sorry but I still don't get how are you identifying the exact value. Can you please provide some more details about your entities?

  • Suggested answer
    PS Profile Picture
    PS 23,577 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    its showing because both the lookup values are having identical first four characters i.e. M103 in both of them.

    You have to make the record codes consistent, I mean same number of characters. so you can have:



    Then when you type in lookup M1030, you will get one result only.

  • neryhumberto Profile Picture
    neryhumberto 45 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values


    Because M103 exactly matches the "new_cdigosocio" field found in another entity. We only have one subscription name per registration that is unique.

  • RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,406 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    But in the first screenshot you shared, with what logic you decided that only M103 needs to be selected?

  • neryhumberto Profile Picture
    neryhumberto 45 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    This entity is used to register people in a event so  the lookup field is related to another entity with a key that identify the subscription plan, we have a lots of "uniques keys" like M103, M104, M105 ... .... so we dont have a business logic any unique key may be used any time.

    Thanks for you response.

  • RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,406 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    Ohh sorry... this means the value will not be always same. It varies based on some business logic or condition.

    Can you share how do you identify which value to use?

  • neryhumberto Profile Picture
    neryhumberto 45 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    Yes, but the problem is I have to change this every time I do a search in the lookup field, I mean this works if I do just one search at the time but the value is chaning and I am going to search a lot of values and I want to show just the value that fit exactly.


    Thanks for the response

  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,406 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    Within the View, you need to set a filter to only return your record. For this you need to click Edit Filter Criteria. There you select the record.

  • neryhumberto Profile Picture
    neryhumberto 45 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    What I am missing?




  • Suggested answer
    RaviKashyap Profile Picture
    RaviKashyap 55,406 on at
    RE: Lookup field show me others values

    You need to create a new view which returns that value only. Refer to the video I shared above.

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