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deleting privileges on duplicated tasks

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To customize an existing task in security roles, we say /duplicate/ and give it a new name. (
We then assign this task to the relevant role. After a certain period of time, I witnessed that the privileges attached to this task I had duplicated were partially or completely deleted. For this reason, there are deficiencies in the users' powers. Can you help with this
For example, I duplicated the task /Protect the product entry/ and named it /#Protect the product entry/. After about 10 days, the privileges attached to this task were deleted.
  • Suggested answer
    Navneeth Nagrajan Profile Picture
    Navneeth Nagrajan 1,184 on at
    deleting privileges on duplicated tasks
    Hi Community member,
    Looks like the privileges are deleted by another user. Suggestion is never delete privileges. You can always prefix them with a DEL_<privilegename> because that's the best practice from a development stand point. 
    You can always remove the privileges assigned to a duty instead of deleting the privileges. 
  • Suggested answer
    NikolajSorensen Profile Picture
    NikolajSorensen 1,570 on at
    deleting privileges on duplicated tasks
    Are you doing this in a non-prod environment that gets refreshed with data from PROD?
    Remember that when you create security objects in the configuration, they are stored as data - if data is overwritten your changes are lost.
    That sounds like a possible explanation to the problem you are facing, unless someone else is deleting your objects.
  • deleting privileges on duplicated tasks
    Hello, I am duplicating this existing task here. I named it "#Maintain product receipt" to add it to my own custom role. and I added this task as a reference to the relevant role. (
    After 10 days, the privileges I marked in the screenshot have been deleted. (
    This is just an example. The duties and privileges in the other roles I created disappear automatically. Am I doing something wrong somewhere? What should happen?
  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... 283,176 Super User on at
    deleting privileges on duplicated tasks
    Can you repost the screenshots in English? You can read my blog on how to switch the language with or without changing the user options. New option to change the user default or session language - Dynamicspedia
    Privileges will not get deleted automatically, unless you import another security configuration file where the privilege is not included as a reference.

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