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Sales order approval workflow

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Hi expert's,
We have a requirement when user creates a sales order it should go to the supervisor for approval. I understand there is no standard workflow available to achieve this but is there any alternative workaround that I can do?
  • Suggested answer
    andreasraithel Profile Picture
    andreasraithel 4,400 on at
    Sales order approval workflow
    as there is no out of the box D365FO Workflow for Sales Order approval.
    Beside that you build a customezied solution using X++ code or you use Power Platform to build Workflow using PowerAutomate or Logic App.
    A possible flow could be:
    - Use any Data event as DataEvent_SalesOrderHeaderEntity_Create or another event to indicate the Sales order is prepared
    - If the event is triggered start your Power Automate or LogicApp.
    - First step in PowerAutomate/LogicApp should be to set the Sales Order to "on Hold" using a predefined Hold Code (e.g. "not approved") to avoid the Sales Oder will be processed as long as the SO is not approved.
    - Then start PowerAutomate/LogicApp approval with this Sales Order and assign to a person (may be supervisor, persons manager, sales responsible, ... ) or member of a predefined User Group
    - When the step is approved remove the Sales Order Hold code and Sales Order should be free for further propcessing.
    Just as an idea.
  • Suggested answer
    Mohamed Amine Mahmoudi Profile Picture
    Mohamed Amine Mahmoudi 3,905 User Group Leader on at
    Sales order approval workflow
    you can do it through the code x++
    Best regards,
    Mohamed Amine MAHMOUDI

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