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AP Manager Security Role does not allow Vendor account ID to be renamed

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Hello all - 
I have a client that has a need to rename the vendor account ID periodically. The Accounts payable manager role does not allow this. Can someone explain how I can modify a Privilege or Duty to enable the Rename button for this role?
  • Verified answer
    Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... 283,176 Super User on at
    AP Manager Security Role does not allow Vendor account ID to be renamed
    Hi Barry,
    Nikolaj is correct. You can manage this with security settings. The rename feature is available to system administrators and users linked to the role Information Technology Manager by default. You can read my blog about renaming records where I wrote about it and for more information and warnings. How to rename records in Microsoft Dynamics AX7 (
  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 13,172 Super User on at
    AP Manager Security Role does not allow Vendor account ID to be renamed
    Can yoou please try with AP clerk?
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    NikolajSorensen Profile Picture
    NikolajSorensen 1,570 on at
    AP Manager Security Role does not allow Vendor account ID to be renamed
    The access to use the "Rename" functionality is available through the privilege "Rename unique record keys", which is part of the "Maintain system settings" duty and ultimately available through the "Information technology manager" role.
    However you should of course be aware of the consequences of renaming records as mentioned previously. 
  • Suggested answer
    saurabh bharti Profile Picture
    saurabh bharti 14,883 Super User on at
    AP Manager Security Role does not allow Vendor account ID to be renamed
    Hi Barry,
    This option should not be used very frequently because whenever you update this , system goes back and update all transactions with this reference. 
    This can cause serious issue going forward as BAU process.
    Suggestion would be to identify any other field which you can use as Addtional ID like organization number
  • Suggested answer
    Mohamed Amine Mahmoudi Profile Picture
    Mohamed Amine Mahmoudi 3,684 User Group Leader on at
    AP Manager Security Role does not allow Vendor account ID to be renamed
    Hi @BarryR
    You're not allowed to change the vendor account number since it's the primary key that's linked to several tables.

    I think you're adding a new field to store the new data.
    Best regards,
    Mohamed Amine MAHMOUDI

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