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Dynamic 365 Sales Website Enquiry Connected To Wordpress Contact Us Page?

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We have recently migrated to 365 Sales. Is there a website enquiry plugin in 365 Sales where you can customise enquiries then plug it in your wordpress contact us page?

ZOHO has this feature and it's pretty neat as those who enquired from the website, once approved, will automatically be added in CRM.

Do we have this in 365 Sales? Pls guide

  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Dynamic 365 Sales Website Enquiry Connected To Wordpress Contact Us Page?
    Dynamics Sales does not have built-in OOB integration with WordPress.

    There is a workaround that may work.
    Use the When a HTTP request is received trigger in Power Automate Flow, which generates an HTTP POST URL.
    I am not familiar with WordPress, but it should be possible to add custom JavaScript to the form submission button of the contact us page.
    Send the submitted information to Flow via AJAX or Fetch, and then use this information in Flow to create a lead or contact.
    If you want a ready-made solution, you can look for a third-party solution.
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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