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Form properties

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I want to ask about few properties on the form:

in CustTable form (pattern: Details Master), i have 5 questions:

1. What is this target control for the quick filter? what does it do?
2. What is this listStyle grid used for ? where can i see it in the UI?
3. What is this filter expression %1 used for? what does it do?
4. How does this filter work? I created a similar form to custTable, however when i type sth in the form filter, nothing appears why? what is missing?

However, in CustTable, if i type sth, there is search result

5. /Arrange method/ on tab and tab header? because i created a similar form where i tried where both are auto and both are vertical but i didn't see any difference

  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 90 on at
    Form properties
    Hi Andre,

    3. So if leaving it empty or putting %1  is the same, but what does it mean? and  what other value can we put and what would it mean then?

    4. Here's a screenshot

    5. This is how it looks when both tab and tab details "arrange method" is set to auto or vertical -- no difference at all

  • Andre Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    Andre Arnaud de Cal... 283,183 Super User on at
    Form properties
    I see some questions are not answered. Let me try to help with some of them:
    3. The default value (if you leave it blank) will be %1. So there is no difference between an empty property and using the value %1.
    4. Can you share a screenshot so we can verify if you used the object names used in your form?
    5. This property is mainly useful for e.g. form group containing multiple fields. or a tab page containing multiple field groups.
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 90 on at
    Form properties
    Hi All,

    Any idea?
  • Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 90 on at
    Form properties
    Hi Mohamed,

    For point 1 & 2 thank you

    For point 3, Can you please explain it more, what does it do if i put %1 or leave it empty? can you give an example?
    For point 4, i filled target control and default column, but still the filter is not returning any result
    For point 5, my question was that when the property was auto or vertical nothing changed on the tabs, so what's the difference
  • Suggested answer
    Mohamed Amine Mahmoudi Profile Picture
    Mohamed Amine Mahmoudi 3,905 User Group Leader on at
    Form properties
    1. this property is used to select the grid for which the filter is to be applied.
    2. you can show it when you open the details page
    3. FilterExpression is what we enter in the filter box and you can not fill in complex filter expressions in the field.
    4. to make it work you must set Default column & target control
    5. in this case i think this link can ive you some hints 
    Best regards,
    Mohamed Amine MAHMOUDI

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