How to do setup for "Auto posting journals after workflow approved"
Hi Mohammad,
I have followed all steps and done the setup accordingly. However, the journals are sitting in que at "Post Journals". Again needs to run the batch unless otherwise the journal will be in this que.
The expectation is to "Auto post" the journal without human intervention.
How to do setup for "Auto posting journals after workflow approved"
as Mohamed has the link to the solution.
Setup a recurring batch for this posting and apply the filters for that batch accordingly to your requirement (journalname, approval status, ...) and the batch will execute this query and post all journals that have been found.
How to do setup for "Auto posting journals after workflow approved"
Hi Narasimha,
Can you tell us what exact document and workflow type you are referring to? If auto-posting is supported, it is one of the elements available to be added to the workflow.
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