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Change default “Purpose” of Address/Contact in D365FO

I was exploring how we can change the default purpose of Address or Contact, by default the purpose is “BUSINESS” and i was having the requirement to default it to “INVOICE”. Unfortunately i did not find any functional way...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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Stock/Inventory Value Storage report

There are two types of inventory value report: Inventory/stock value (the standard report) and Inventory/Stock value report storage. this blog is about Inventory Value report storage and how can we used data management to export da...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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XSLT Transformation XML to JSON D365FO Data Management

This blog is just a re share of blog produced by famous blogger Munib AhmedData Management Export – XML to JSON Transformation (dynamicsnavax.blogspot.com) Recently i was exploring an option for Transformation in Data Management framewo...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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Date time custom formats

Sometime we have to deal with custom date formats, scenarios like you want to append any custom date format in the file name. In such case we can use DateTime.ParseExact() method through .NET Interop: Ax example can be :System.Globalization.Cultur...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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Abort an executing batch job

Sometimes canceling a batch job can take a long time then there is an option for abort the batch job for system administrator or batch job manager role. This provides a much faster mechanism to cancel a long running job that is impacting system ...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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Get metadata, data sources of a data entity D365FO

this piece of code can be used for get the data sources involve in making the data entity. Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.MetaModel.AxDataEntityView axDataEntity = Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.MetadataSupport::GetDataEntityView("CustCustome...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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D365FO Tool – Automating Start and Stop Environments

If you have Tier1 environments in your project and you would like to automate the starting and stopping of them then Use #d365fotools and get on with your work. two new commands Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStart and Invoke-D365LcsEnvironmentStop ava...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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Alerts for Number sequence numbers running out

we recently faced a problem where a number sequence reached its limit, although it was a bug in configuration and number sequence should be set to range like 9 digits 999,999,999, but this query below can be used to identify the number sequence wh...

Amir Nazim 5,994
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D365 Finance and Operation – Creation of Bulk Users from Excel using Excel addin

In this post I will show how easy you can connect to your Dynamics 365 Operations instance using Excel. Before I begin the post, let me just remind you that importing users from Azure Active Directory is perhaps easier and quicker. So this post is...

Amir Nazim 5,994